About us and the squid of Yobuko

In 1969, Yobuko Osakanadokoro Genkai, a seafood restaurant, was founded here in Yobuko as the birthplace of eating raw squid in the Ikidzukuri dish. In addition, fresh fish from the Sea of Genkai or around Ghoto Islands are served, sashimi(raw), grilled or cooked. There are more than ten fish-preserves in the restaurant, which produce the atmosphere like aquarium.
All the fish and seashells we serve in Genkai are cooked in a living condition.

In Genkai there are a lot of fish-preserves.
There are 15 fish-preserves, small or large, containing squid, prawn, sea urchin and other seashells in a good condition.
These preserves use seawater from the Sea of Genkai, which is regularly substituted for keeping the fish and seashells fresh.
As fish are swimming relaxingly in the preserves, they are healthy and delicious.

We have been making various efforts to keep fish and seashells fresh since our start.
Through such efforts, we've learned that squid is vulnerable to fresh water or warmness of people's hands, so that we've improved our preserves to keep freshness.
The kitchen is next to preserves, so that we can serve fresh squid immediately after the order is made. On the cutting-bord flows seawater in order to cool down the cooks' hands. That's why our squid is fresh and delicious.

the squid Genkai serves

Point of a sword squid
Standard Japanese Name: Kensaki-ika
Its standard Japanese neme is Kensaki-ika, but called Yari-ika in Yobuko.
From late March to early December is the season for squid eating. Its longevity is short, one year. At its best, squid have the red patterns like grapes on themselves.

Sepioteuthis lessoniana
Standard Japanese name: Aori-ika
It is called Mizu-ika or Mo-ika in Yobuko. 
Squid live around the seaweed forests along the seashore and are caught from late November through mid-April by fishing or fixed net. In and around Tokyo its season is after April, served at expensive sushi restaurants.
Squids are vulnerable to coldness, which sometimes kill them with their legs shrinked. After January they get bigger and some of them weigh heavier than 3 kilograms.

Standard Japanese name: Kou-ika (cattlefish)
Kou-ika characteristically has a ship-shaped calcareous shell in it. Its texture is crunchy. The large amount of ink bothers cooks. It tastes sweet from late January through late March.
Fine weather in late March is the best season for enjoying these three types of squid.
They are squid, mainly caught in cage.

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508-3 yobuko Tononoura, Karatsu City, Saga Prefecture 〒847-0304   Yobuko Osakanadokoro GENKAI - Genkai-Katsugyo Co., Ltd.

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